Jumat, 03 Maret 2017

DPD FDI Sulsel Menyelenggarakan International Conference Bidang Maritim

Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia merupakan negara yang dikenal dengan negara maritim. Sumber daya yang melimpah di lautan menjadi kekayaan yang perlu digali, diolah, dan dimanfaatkan oleh Rakyat Indonesia. Salah satu program Presiden Jokowi yang ada pada program NAWACITA adalah mengembangkan bidang maritim untuk kemajuan perekonomian, pertahanan dan kedaulatan Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya penelitian di bidang maritim dari berbagai aspek keilmuan. Salah satunya kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) FDI  Sulawesi Selatan menyelenggarakan International Conference bidang Maritim dengan tema " Empowering Nation's Maritim Uniqueness to Enrich Global Future" .

Deskripsi International Conference diuraikan sebagai berikut :

Indonesian maritime perspectives came up into public discourse again after the presidential election of 2014 ended. The newly installed President, Mr. Joko Widodo (known as Jokowi) has stated in his vision statement submitted prior to election, then adopted as his presidential political manifesto, to: “(1) focus on strengthening Indonesia’s maritime security, (2) expand the canvas of regional diplomacy to cover the entire region of the Indo-Pacific, and (3) project the Indonesian navy as a respected regional maritime power in East Asia” (Liow & Shekhar, 2014). During presidential campaign, Jokowi repeatedly announced his willingness to transform Indonesia into a “global maritime axis” (poros maritim dunia). In a minute after his inauguration as the 7th President of Republic of Indonesia, Jokowi clearly instructed his newly establish cabinet to adopt the maritime vision into policy.
Indonesian Lecturer Forum organized the International Conference on Frontiers of Sciences and Society 2017. This conference is important as this is one of the Indonesia’s visions to focus on strengthening Indonesia’s maritime security simultaneously to broaden the Uniqueness of region

Papers from conference will be considered for submission in a number of leading maritime Proceedings and journals. Researchers are asked to submit an abstract of 200 words maximum before April 1st, 2017. Abstracts should contain the title, author’s names and affiliations, correspondence email, along with the background, purpose, method, results, conclusions, and a maximum of five keywords. The abstract should be formatted as Times New Roman, 12 point, single spaced, and with no footnotes or special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). Abstracts should be emailed to ic.fdisulsel@gmail.com. Full paper submissions are due by August 21st, 2017. Further information is available from ic.fdisulsel@gmail.com and http://sulsel.fdi.or.id/ic2017   

  1. Dr. John Barnett Welfield, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
  2. Phil. Timo Marcus Dulle, Bonn University, Germany
  3. Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  4. Dr. Ekwan Toriman, Malaysia National University, Malaysia
  5. Jepang Expert
  1. Dr. Ekhwan Toriman, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  2. Dr. Syahnur Said, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  3. Megawati Santoso Ph. D (Bandung Institute Technology)
  4. Prof. Iqbal Jawad, Universitas Hasanuddin
  5. Prof. Azrin Adnan, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
  6. Dr. Mazlin Mokhtar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  7. Prof. Dr. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  8. Dr. Saleh Tajuddin, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar
  9. Dr. Mudjia Rahardjo, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
  10. Prof. Dr. Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
  11. Komang Mertayasa, Bandung Institute Technology
  12. Assoc. Prof. Iqbal Jawad, Universitas Hasanuddin

The participants of conferences are expected come from various academic backgrounds ranging from social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical, and education. 

  • Abstract submission due : April 1st, 2017
  • Notification of Acceptance : June 1st, 2017
  • Paper submission due : August 21st 2017
  • Registration due : September 18th, 2017
  • Conference date : November 3th to 5th 2017
Date and Venue
The Conference will be held on: Friday to Sunday, November 3th to 5th 2017, the venue will be arranged in: Novotel Hotel, Makassar, Indonesia.

1. Direct output:
  • Program book (consist of abstract of all presenter)
  • Conference Proceeding indexed by Thomson rauters and Scopus
2. Indirect output:
    Publication in selected or targeted high journal (indexed by DOAJ, Thompson Reuters, or Scopus)


1. Academic Seminar
Indonesian Lecturer Forum (ILF) would like to invite some prominent person to deliver keynote address for the conference.  The invited keynote speaker will be:
  1. Dr. John Barnett Welfield, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
  2. Phil. Timo Marcus Dulle, Bonn University, Germany
  3. Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  4. Dr. Ekwan Toriman, Malaysia National University, Malaysia
  5. Japan expert or any countries in marine transportation
2. Panel Paper Presentation
The conference will facilitate presentation of paper prepared by scholar, academician, researcher, as well as policy maker from around the world.  To systemize the session, the parallel sessions will be divided into 3 (three) distinct panel, namely:
  1. Social (optimally of service, role of law, and sea area protection; utilization potency, management, and developing of sea resources and archipelago; exploration of oceanic resorces potency and fishery for development of health, social, political, culture, and economy; arrangement of management and developing of seashore and costal area; maritime culture).
  2. Science and Technology (sea toll infrastructure technology and oceanic zone transporttion, food and energy based on oceanic; mitigation of disaster and conservation oceanic zone; technology of shipping industry costal area; system and management of port)
  3. Education (the education of curriculum based on maritime; science technology).

Agenda ke Depan

Agenda ke Depan